Your renovation in 10 stages

We have identified 10 major steps to help explain ideally what needs to happen to get the project to construction phase. It can be daunting and we know that, so we can help you through this process.

  1. Research, planning and concept development

  2. Finalised set of plans – floorplan, elevations, engineer’ s detail for slab etc,

  3. Finalised building design construction specifications i.e type of cladding, windows schedule

  4. Interior Design Plans and documentation- Fixtures, fittings, equipment (FF&E) schedule, joinery designs, lighting and electrical plan

  5. Builder’s quotes – provide the builder with plans, specifications and allowances if you haven’t provided in specification. This means if you are getting two quotes you are comparing the same information.

  6. Development Application/ Construction Certificate including Basix Certificate, completed set of construction drawings.

  7. Contract with Builder – will include payment schedule, scope of work, make sure you check insurances, licences are current

  8. Construction phase, stages as per builder’s contract

  9. Occupation certificate from building certifier

  10. Post occupancy follow up with builder and interior designer

If you would like to discuss our design and building process please contact us


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